Sunday, January 13, 2013

Workout Tip: Working In Your Workouts

So, you've decided you're going to start working out. You made that New Year's Resolution. Now, less than two weeks into 2013 you've stopped altogether.

Your excuse: I don't have time.

But, do you really not have the time?

If you went to college, you may remember covering Time Management during your required Freshman Orientation course. If you didn't go to college, then maybe you have heard of the tips I am about to give. Either way, these are what I have found help in fitting your workouts into your busy life.

1. Find something you enjoy doing

There's an old saying that if you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. I think the same thing applies to exercise. If you find a workout or sport that you love to do, you'll never workout a day in your life. And don't worry if you don't find something you love immediately. Just try things until you you do. Remember that if you haven't worked out in a very long time (or ever), you will be uncomfortable the next day. If you do, ask yourself if you want to do the same thing again today. If your answer is "Yes", then you have found something and you should stick with it.

2. Chart out your schedule

Using Excel or Word or your other favorite office productivity application, chart out your regular schedule, minus your workouts (work schedule, school schedule, getting kids to/from school, etc.). Since it is recommended to do at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per day, chart it out in 30 minute increments. Also, make sure you chart time for things like when you go to bed, wake up, eat, and any travel time.

See any empty space? If you have one block open, you have time for a workout. If you don't see any empty space, then maybe it's time to consider living on Centaurian Time.

Or owning a DeLorean.

Or a TaRDiS.

Or a Time-Turner.

Or be in possession of some Red Matter.

OK, I'll stop now.

3. Treat your workout like it was your job or school

You wouldn't skip out on work or school unless you were too sick to do so (right?), so don't skip out on your workouts unless your body tells you to (sick, pain, etc.). And, remember, "feeling sore" is not pain. Pain is pain. So, in the schedule you setup with the previous tip, fill in your times that you will commit to working out. Set an alarm on your phone for your workouts if it will help. Remember, that you don't have to commit to working out every single day to start; 3-4 days a week is a good start. You have at least 2 days off at your job (hopefully), so you only have to find 1-2 more days left to schedule.

4. Find like-minded individuals to help old you accountable.

Used to be that you had to join a gym to get support and accountability for your workout regimen.Then groups like Weight Watchers came along and you met once a week or month to chart your progress. Now, with the Internet, these resources are limitless! You can now:

- join an email list
- find a group on Meetup
- join fitness-related websites (Lose It, Endomondo, etc.)
- post your progress on Facebook or Twitter or any other social networking site
- join a site related directly to the program you are doing

These all provide a circle of people you can connect with and, as a result, hold each other accountable. And, if you're lucky, you make a few awesome friends along the way.

I hope these tips help set you on your way. Next week, I'll talk about a tool that is more useful in changing your diet than you may think: the crock pot. I'll see you on Friday.

Monday, December 31, 2012

What I've been doing

Over the past 10 months, I have been working hard to better myself. I have been eating better, and doing a program called DDP Yoga. In those 10 months, I have lost.40 pounds. Up until this point, my efforts have been chronicled on my YouTube channel.I decided that it was time to also blog my progress.

Starting today, I will be posting blogs here along with posting videos on my YouTube channel related to my journey. The schedule will be as follows:

* On the first day of each month, you will see a progress report with an accompanying video.
* The following alternating Tuesdays and Fridays, there will be posts with workout tips (primarily focused around DDP Yoga, but some will be general enough to apply to any workout) or eating/cooking tips. I'll mostly post on here; if I do a video I will post it alongside the blog post.
* Once a month, I will feature a blog or website that has been helpful in my journey. If I'm lucky, I may even be able to feature an occasional giveaway or discount.
* Also once a month, I will write/read an Open Letter. The inspiration for this is a cross between the Open Letters posted by John Green on his Crash Course videos and the Black Nerd Rants.

My goal in 2013 is to get to under 200 pounds, which will be my lightest since college. I hope you will join me as I further chronicle my journey. If you want to join me in the journey, take a moment to check out and purchase DDP Yoga. If you wonder what made me want to go into this program, watch these videos:

Episode 1 of my DDP Yoga Chronicle, where I explain my reasons more in-depth (from Feb. 2012)

Arthur Boorman's story: Disabled Veteran to Inspirational Figure. This is the video that made me buy DDP Yoga.

My next post will be on January 13, where I talk about making time for workouts. Until then, Own Your Life ... and Feel The BANG!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

An Introduction

Hello, and thank you for stumbling onto my blog. My name is Russell, but you can call me "The Tuba Geek".

I initially started this blog as a way to post some random musings; however, I am now using this to chronicle my weight loss journey.

A little history: I've always been overweight. I remember being 5 or 6 and feeling like I was a wide as I was tall. I was teased relentlessly. In today's age, you would probably say I was bullied.

I compromised by being friendly. I learned to take the verbal jabs like an MMA fighter takes punches and kicks. I was and have been fortunate enough to make some good friends who, even today (thank you, Facebook), I keep in touch with.

In middle school, my dad made me run during the summer between my 7th and 8th grade years.

A mile.

Three times a day.

Every day.

For an entire summer.

Yeah, I lost 40 pounds. Yeah, I got the attention of several people when I went back to school that fall. (Aside: I still remember the reaction I got in the lunch line the first day of school by a girl that I had a major crush on. The teasing I was subjected to and my shyness about girls back then kept me from acting on it, though.) Unfortunately, this made me hate the idea of running for a very long time.

In high school and college, I was able to maintain my weight relatively well thanks to marching band (hence the "Tuba Geek" moniker), though I was guilty of gaining the "Freshman Fifteen (or more)" in college.

Fast forward several years, and my weight slowly but steadily increased. I did a Couch to 5K program just after my first son was born, but running again proved to be my downfall. As my wife puts it, I can walk faster than I can run. Plus, my feet are so flat that you can't slip a piece of paper between them and the floor. Pain is inevitable.

I hope you will join me on my journey. So far, it has been going well. Tomorrow, I'll explain what I have been doing to better myself, as well as what I will be doing here.